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News 7: COVID-19 Updates and Server Downtime

As you may well have heard of, coronavirus hasn’t stopped hitting the world economy. Due to lockdown, restrictions and buying capacity lowering certain changes have become inevitable at SETI. We’ve scrutinized business processes to enable better engagement for people with special needs by allocating some tasks to those working at home. Distant work arguably is the best safety measure a conscious company can take to protect the staff, and that’s exactly what we are proud to be.
Ironing out the kinks takes time, and we unfortunately missed the domain renewal warning email from the registrant which resulted in short website inaccessibility. Nothing to worry though, SETI is back on track and running, looking for a new year with sparkles in the eyes. SETI online radio hasn’t been impacted at all.
We have done a lot to smooth our service and adapt to the changes looming on the horizon. Our dedication to you, our loyal followers, means a better era is yet to come, and await patiently for it to kick start the best thing since slice bread.
May God bless you and your loved ones.
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