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News 6: The X-mas Prophecy

Someone known for wearing red garments, lack of equity towards bad boys, with a belly signaling of its owner used to shun visits to the gym, apparently with a sweet tooth and featuring no-nonsense sloth throughout the rest 11 months now’s very busy bringing some happiness to your end-of-year routine through the extensive use of red socks (did we mention the inexplicable bias towards red color?).
SETI could be condemned for anything related to sound punched out of your old car radio or Bluetooth portable jukebox, but not for failing to make good use of the good ol’ school traditions.
We’re happy to announce that we are closing this year by making a welcome change to our [yet] sole investment opportunity by extending the term while keeping the interest rate fixed as usual thus allowing for better finance management.
Furthermore these last days of the year are certainly good enough to wish you prosperity, well-being and peace in your hearts. May God bless you.
Merry X-mas and a very happy New Year!
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