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News 4: Programming Format: Discovering Genres

It’s been quite an enjoyable journey for the SETI Radio Team. Working out the kinkies took some time before the web broadcasting service was moved to a beta-phase testing period for a limited group of avid listeners. Moving forward toward new horizons indisputably means step back from our beloved Australian music, so we bravely concussed and let off the dust of our precious CD collection (some of our younger buddies struggle to put a compact disc into the player with the correct position of top and down surfaces).
Nothing could be more ridiculous than a crazy attempt to squeeze the diversity of genres into single programming format. Discussing the preferences amidst our passionate team would inevitably end in smiting faces as tastes differ way a whole lot. To put it mildly, reaching a fragile balance is only possible until we run out of beer. After putting current programming formats though inspection we sorely decide to dedicate a hefty portion of SETI airtime to easy listening with allocation for spots filled with world music, classic rock, disco, reggae, country and pop. Arbitrarily some of the spots are expected to evolve with time into full-featured sessions with proper radio air personalities to gently wrap the stereo treasures into a polished product.
Once the programming format has been tried and agreed upon, we will reveal the schedule together with publicly available access link for a dramatically enjoyable listening pleasure.
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