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News 3: Boozing on World Radio Day (just beer)

Since 2012, we celebrate the World Radio Day on February 13. Feeling an important part of the community, SETI just cannot impose a strict ban on a bit of boozing. This year however, we did some fruitful brainstorming instead, and a brilliant idea has come to existence which we are about to transform into something viable soon.
Some time in August (possibly earlier) SETI will be set off to start broadcasting. Variety means diversity, diversity gives choice for all of you. A major part of modern commercial radio stations are obsessed with latest and greatest, newest and coolest hits to such an extent that songs only a year old are completely removed from air playlists. In fact, a surprisingly large portion of listeners have little idea of what music industry was like merely a decennary ago! Looks like there was nothing composed, recorded and performed at all. But true hits never get old!
While adjusting to gender equality and women’s empowerment in radio, SETI will be dedicated to enriching the listening experience of the audience, delivering the unknown gems and rare-to-be-heard treasures. At his point we are organizing a casting for SETI DJs.
Expect SETI Radio to go air in about 6-7 months. An official press release will be delivered to broadcasting associations; public, state, private, community and international broadcasters.
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