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News 2: SETI on track to Managua

One of the benefits of split management system adopted by SETI since 90s is our flexibility which, in turn, leads to new contracts otherwise hard to obtain. The markets in emerging countries are often regarded as miniscule and of low interest to big players, however they make an awesome source of business opportunities. There is not a single state that would exist without media, be it state-owned or private channel. Radio stations are on par with Internet when it comes to announcing laws, treaties and breaking news. In fact, radio is superior to the Web because it can be casted to a wider audience in crowded places like shopping malls. A message gets delivered instantly, so that the addressee does not need to bother about unfolding a laptop or finding a Wi-Fi spot to open a news service.
But big players are lying about lack of interest in emerging markets – they cannot tackle them properly. They just do not know how to work in conditions that differ quite a lot from what they are used to perceive as acceptable. In emerging markets, a lot depends on the ability to bypass various protective measures, customs barriers, imposed sanctions and other human insanity-driven obstacles. Private contacts add substantial value to the mix.
It took almost two years for SETI Systems to strike an agreement with Radio Corporación. Since June, 2016, SETI will be performing installation of broadcasting equipment in Managua. The list of pieces include: main mixing board, FM transmitter, 3x Voice Production Kits, 2x Sound Production Kits, transmission line, power protection units, 5x pairs of monitor speakers, 2x pairs of reference studio monitors, 6x rack mounts, 6x audio processors, 7x mic preamps, 3x limiters, 6x compressors, 10 condenser mics. Because of main building renovation the scheduled works will cover the replacement of almost all communication lines.
Geez, we cannot wait for this installation fuss to begin!
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